Professional Rodent ControlRodents are smart animals. They can live almost anywhere. Rats and mice will spread disease throughout your home. They reproduce quickly and small nuisance can multiply into a real infestation. We use our knowledge of how rodents think, move, eat, and sleep to target these vermin everywhere they go. If you want rodent gone quickly, call the Bug Ninja today!
Mouse Behavior:
Mice are very curious animals. If they see something new, they want to know what it is. This is why you should set mouse traps in their pathway. If you haven't caught one in a few days, it is time to move the trap to a completely different area.
Rat Behavior:
Rats are very cautious animals. If there is something new in their usual hangouts, they will avoid it. Rats need time to get used to something to make sure it is not a danger. It is best to put traps that have not been activated so they lower their guard. Then switch in newly activated traps.