Spiders have long been cast as monsters and arch villains, from J.R.R. Tolkien’s fantasies to the 1950s-era giant tarantula to Rod Serling’s sinister visions in “Night Gallery.” Spiders, however, do much good for your environment. They play a big role in managing the pest population in and around your home, and their webs are marvels to behold. Southern Louisiana, with its warm, moist climate, attracts bugs of all sorts, including numerous types of spiders. Some of these have venom that can harm humans. If you are concerned about populations in and around your property, talk to Baton Rouge pest control professionals about spider control. There is no need to panic, though, once you understand more about these retiring creatures. Here are a few words about spider behavior and a rundown of the three most dangerous poisonous spiders of Louisiana. Spider Habits Spiders are not aggressive. In fact, they want to cloister themselves away from humans and other disturbances so they can quietly construct a web, catch food, mate, and generally carry on with life. They do not go out to hunt and attack humans. In fact, they want to avoid you as much as you wish to stay away from them. Sometimes, though, accidental contact occurs. Spiders prefer dark places, including shoes, drawers, nooks, and corners. Pay attention to your environment before sticking your hands or feet anywhere. Take a moment to look around you, carefully shake out your shoes, and watch where you are reaching. Most types are not poisonous spiders, but three species in southern Louisiana are dangerous to humans. Brown Recluse The Brown Recluse (Loxosceles reclusa) is typically different shades of brown in color, though variations can range from whitish to blackish gray. These spiders usually have a marking near their head resembling a violin, leading to other common names such as brown fiddler, violin spider, and fiddleback spider. Many other spiders, however, have a similar look, so take care what you touch, and, if in doubt, leave it alone. Interestingly, the abdomen of the brown recluse has many short, fine hairs that look like soft fur. As the name implies, they look for dark, dry places that are quiet, such as:
They seek to avoid contact and confrontation with humans, often choosing to run rather than fight. However, if they are cornered and cannot escape and feel threatened, they will bite. These poisonous spiders have venom that can cause significant injuries to skin tissue and may even lead to necrosis, or the premature death of living tissue cells. If you are bitten, remain calm. Put the wound under cold water or ice, and get medical attention. You can start with poison control, but brown recluse bites should be taken seriously, and you probably will want to see a doctor right away. The good news, though, is that the brown recluse lives up to its name. Watch where you are putting feet and hands, and do not touch any spider that you suspect might be a brown recluse. Black Widow Perhaps the most feared spider in the world, black widows get their name from the occurrence of sexual cannibalism, as females sometimes eat males after mating, though this behavior may not occur in all species of so-called widow spiders. Furthermore, their venom is not regularly fatal to humans, though death can sometimes occur, especially in young children and the elderly. Females are most often dark, often shiny black, with a distinctive red hourglass shape on their abdomens. They produce silk-like strands that are sticky, and female black widows like to build webs near the ground or in holes burrowed out by animals. Generally, they seek dark, noiseless places where they will not be readily disturbed, like:
Though they are poisonous spiders, black widows are not aggressive. They will not seek out humans to attack them. However, they will bite if they are startled and feel their life is threatened. Black widow bites can be painful when they do occur, and the venom contains a substance that can affect the human nervous system. Symptoms include abdominal cramps, muscle spasms, and intense muscular pain. Antivenom can alleviate some of the pain and mitigate other potential dangers. If bitten, apply a cold compress to the site and get medical help right away. Brown Widow
Brown widows are thought to have originated in South Africa, but scientists are not certain. They have migrated to tropical regions around the world. They compete with black widows, and while not as poisonous as their cousins, they are more aggressive. They are interlopers, and only time will tell how the growing population of brown widow spiders affects the ecosystem. Brown widows often nest around buildings. These poisonous spiders are varying shades of brown in color and sport a bright orange or yellow hourglass shape on the underside of the abdomen. Their venom, like the black widow’s, is also a neurotoxin, though the effect of brown widow venom is usually limited to the bite location and the nearby tissue, while the black widow’s venom creates systemic problems. Nonetheless, their bites should be taken seriously. If bitten, call poison control and, if necessary, seek medical attention. The Bottom Line on Louisiana’s Poisonous Spiders Brown widows may be the most aggressive of Louisiana’s three most poisonous spiders, but even they will not actively hunt humans and attack them. Be aware of your surroundings, especially in obvious places where these spiders might be, such as around piles of wood and rubble, in dark corners of sheds, basements, and garages, and under stones. Gently check shoes for any unexpected inhabitants, and look where you are reaching and putting your hands. These spiders only bite if you surprise them and they feel endangered. It is common sense, really. However, if you are concerned about growing populations, you may want to talk to Baton Rouge pest control experts about spider control. Respect their environment, teach children to look but not touch, and these spiders will likely, in turn, leave you alone.
There are an estimated 90,000 mosquito misting and automated insect control systems currently installed in the United States. The number of systems alone is a testament to how well mosquito misting systems take care of mosquitoes, no-see-ums, and other flying insects. If you enjoy spending time in your own yard - swimming in the pool, grilling on the patio, or having a party with friends on the deck - you should be able to do so without swatting. Below we'll explain why there isn't a better option to enjoy your outdoor space bite free than a mosquito misting system. Automatic
A mosquito system is will treat your mosquito population on a timer. You will forget how often you got bit since it will seem like there aren't any mosquitoes in your yard. Treats When Mosquitoes are Active Mosquitoes are most active at dawn and dusk. Fogging treatments and other control measures are applied when the technician has the time to come. Midday treatments are more likely to affect non-target species like butterflies and honey bees. Between 30 to 60 Seconds The recommended misting time is between 30 and 60 seconds. That's it! The precision engineered misting nozzles project a fine mist that takes care of flying insects. Less Area Properly installed mosquito systems mist the perimeter of your property and the plants where mosquitoes reside. This is better than a backpack fogging mosquito treatment. High Quality Parts Bug Ninja Mosquito Systems only use high quality parts that ensure a long use life. They operate as intended for years and resist corrosion and sun damage. You can choose between an innovative tankless system or a traditional misting model requiring a drum. Do mosquito systems work? Yes they do. We beleive they are the best option for you to control mosquitoes at your home. If you are interested in a mosquito system request a quote or give us a call today. How Pests Can Bug Your Property Management Business Though most pests are small, they can have a huge impact on your property management business. Unfortunately, that impact may be mostly negative. Bedbugs, mites, mice, rats, cockroaches…these are all words that can make current and potential residents run for the hills. If you want to keep your business lucrative and your clients happy, you need to invest in property management pest control. If you aren't entirely convinced that you need such services, consider the consequences of not investing in apartment pest control. 1. Pests Cause Extensive Property Damage
Termites, rat and mice are the biggest culprits of property damage, but they’re not the only ones. Pests can live inside walls, chewing up foundation, drywall, insulation and electrical wiring and compromising the overall integrity of your building. If you want to keep your building up to code and in safe condition for residents, you need to get rid of the wall dwellers. Baton Rouge pest control experts can help identify the critters causing the problems, locate nests and hiding places and exterminate the pests before they cause additional damage. By investing in the right services, you may save yourself thousands of dollars in property damage repair costs in a given year. 2. Pest Bring Down Property Value Some property managers don’t bother with pest control efforts because their client plans on selling in the near future. This is a huge mistake. If inspectors discover pests living on or within the property, they may either reduce the value of the property or require the property owner to remediate the issue before listing. The longer remediation is put off, the worse, and therefore costlier, the damage can become. Help maintain the value of the property you are tasked to manage and invest in property management pest control services. 3. Pests Are Unhealthy Many pests, including rats, mice and bedbugs, can severely compromise the health of your tenants and their pets. Rats carry dangerous diseases that can be spread via food or even rat bites. Bedbugs can cause unsightly sores and infections, and cockroaches and flies can contaminate food and surfaces with diseases transported from other locales. Failing to implement pest control is not only careless, but it can be a liability issue if a tenant becomes sick or injured because of your negligence. Negate any liability issues and invest in apartment pest control on behalf of your client. 4. The Presence of Pests Can Harm Your Reputation You may think that you are saving money by negating property management pest control services, but the truth is that you are doing more financial harm than good. Once word gets out that pests are on your property and that you have not taken any measures to eradicate the issue, tenants typically begin to move out and units can remain empty. Nobody wants to live in a complex or home that has pest problems and is maintained by an uncaring landlord. Preserve your reputation with tenants and your community by investing in Baton Rouge pest control services as soon as an issue is brought to your attention. 5. Pest Complaints Put You in Reactive Mode When it comes to maintaining any business, proactive is better than reactive. Once you are reduced to only reacting to problems, you become unable to move your business forward. This is not good for you or your client. Avoid falling into catch-up mode and pre-emptively invest in property management pest control services. The services you hire can work to keep your property pest free while you focus on more important business matters such as finding residents and keeping units full. 6. Pest Problems Are Almost Never Minor Have you ever heard the saying that for every rat you see, there are 10 more behind the walls? Such a saying is true with most pests. Creatures like rats, termites, cockroaches and bedbugs often only make their presence known when there is nowhere left to hide. If a tenant saw a rat, you can count on there being dozens more living in the very infrastructure of your building. The best way to stop a pest infestation is to ensure that it never gets to the “infestation” phase. Apartment pest control services can look out for potential issues such as nests, eggs and hatchlings and eliminate them before they become full-blown infestations. 7. A Pest Infestation Is Costlier Than Pest Control Too many property owners consider pest control an expense when in actuality, they should view it as an investment. Most property management pest control companies offer their services on a quarterly basis. They do this to keep seasonal pests at bay and to prevent infestations by eliminating problem areas. The total cost of annual preventative pest control services should be relatively low, even for full apartment complexes. Reactive pest control services and maintenance, however, is much more expensive. Not only will you have to enlist the help of exterminators and extermination equipment, but also, once pests are present, you may need to hire a building inspector to inspect for major structural damage, and contractors to repair said damage. Most exterminators require several visits to kill an entire pest population, which could increase your total remediation costs. In addition to having to pay for the damage itself, you may find yourself saddled with regulatory fines for failing to maintain a habitable structure. If any of your tenants or employees contracted an illness or disease because of the problem, you may be forced to deal with a liability lawsuit, which could end up in more fees and costs. While property management pest control may not be at the top of your list of priorities, especially if you don’t yet have a pest problem, it should be. Invading bugs and critters are not only annoying to deal with, but they can be detrimental to both your profit and tenants’ health. Don’t risk tenants’ health, your buildings’ structures or your bottom line, and invest in apartment pest control services today. A Baton Rouge pest control company can help prevent infestations, eradicate existing ones before they become too costly and preserve the overall integrity of your building. |
AuthorI really enjoy researching and writing about pests. The more we know about bugs, the easier it becomes to control them. Categories
February 2025